Described by gentle temperatures and low slants, Tsirang Area lies in the southwest of Bhutan. Lining India, the tranquil dzongkhag can be tracked down along the north-south roadway that runs from Wangdue Phodrang to Sarpang and Gelephu. One of the best hydropower projects in the country is additionally being worked along this course. The Puna Tsang Chhu or Sankosh waterway gives the energy to this enormous scope and financially practical hydropower adventure. Damphu is the regulatory capital of the locale and is additionally the area of the Tsirang Dzong. A huge percent of the populace here is Lhotshampas or Southern Bhutanese who communicate in Nepali. Despite the fact that it is one of a handful of the dzongkhags without a safeguarded region, the environment of Tsirang is immaculate and amicable. The region is a heaven for bird-watchers. The region ranges more than 639 The distance between Thimphu and Tsirang is 165.8 km.

Location: The region lies in a wet subtropical zone 800 to 1300 metres above the sea level. It falls under a humid-subtropical zone. 

People & Language: Nepali is the essential language in Tsirang, however it can differ marginally contingent upon the shifted Lhotshampa populace. The public language, Dzongkha, is additionally spoken.

Weather: 18.17 °C is the average. The humidity level in Tsirang is 98 percent.