Would you believe me if I say that Guwahati has a Lhakhang that is actually under the Zhung Dratshang (Bhutan’s central monastic Body)? Located in Amingaon, 20 minutes before you enter the city, the Druk Nangpai Lhakhang was once a private property offered to our Druk Gyalpo.

The Bhutanese Temple in Guwahati
There’s a beautiful 37 year old Buddhist temple on a hill near Silamahekhaitey (20 minutes before reaching Guwahati city).
The Tibetan architecture stands out in the midst of urban Indian cityscape across the hill. You’ll also notice a gigantic white stone sculpture of The Buddha above the monastery surrounded by a luscious green forests.

This is the Druk Nangpai Lhakhang, a temple offered to Bhutan by a noble local family decades ago. The temple also has a few Bhutanese monks from Samdrup Jongkhar and Pema Gatshel, but needs massive renovation before accommodating more. We’re told that last year’s heavy rains created a frightening mud slide washing away the parking area right infront of the Lhakhang.

Stepping into the structure feels familiar like a space back home and I could understand how important that would be for people not quite used to leaving home. Lopen Damcho, the lama taking care of this unique temple shares how the place has not only been a haven for Bhutanese visiting Guwahati for medical help, but also how local visitors of all faiths have been in awe of its existence.
If you ever visit the Lhakhang, make sure to walk up a small trail towards the Buddha Statue. The sight of the holy stutue, the view and warm breeze is worth the experience.