The easternmost Dzongkhag of Trashigang or Tashigang is roosted on a slope sitting above Drangme Chhu, the country’s biggest stream framework. The country’s biggest region it is additionally partitioned into three Dungkhags, 15 Gewogs, and 79 Chiwogs. The Dzongkhag was once a flourishing exchange place for shippers going to and from Tibet. Today, it is important for the thruway interfacing western Bhutan to Samdrup Jongkhar and Assam, India. The name of the locale signifies ‘Fort on a Favorable Slope.’ This is on the grounds that Trashigang Dzong was raised on an essential vantage highlight avoid Tibetan intrusions. It is said that this impressive design seemed as though it was drifting so the Tibetans alo referred to it as “Sky Dzong.” Trashigang is most popular for lodging the Sakteng Natural life Safe-haven. Other than woofing deer, red pandas and snow panthers, the biodiversity area of interest is likewise supposed to be home to the migoi (a sasquatch like animal) and the Merak Sakteng individuals. This native local area carries on with a semi-itinerant way of life and wear a special clothing produced using yatra or yak hair fleece. Trashigang is likewise the area of the country’s most legitimate organization of advanced education, Sherubtse School. Trashigang is 551 km via vehicle from the capital city of Thimphu. Yonphula homegrown air terminal is situated close to Trashigang. It is a short brief departure from Paro

Location: Located in eastern Bhutan bordered by Mongar in the West, Samdrup Jongkhar and Pemagatshel in the South, Trashiyangtse in the North and Arunachal Pradesh in the East.

People & Language – Tshangla (Sharchopkha), the normal tongue of eastern Bhutan, is the essential language spoken in Trashigang. The Eastern Bodish Dakpa language and the Southern Bodish Brokpa language are two conspicuous minority dialects that are spoken in the region’s far east.

Weather:  The late spring season is warm and overcast with highs of 26 degree celsius. The cold weather months are cool and clear with lows of 2 degrees celsius.