Settled among Trongsa and Punakha is perhaps of the biggest region in the country, Wangduephodrang. The principal town you experience subsequent to crossing the Punakha waterway and prior to advancing into focal Bhutan, Wangduephodrang is additionally called the “last town in the west.” The locale is overwhelmed by the Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, which was laid out in 1638 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. As per legend, Zhabdrung was searching for the best spot for a Dzong to prepare for strikes from the south. After tracking down the tall edge with perspectives on the valleys beneath, Zhabdrung developed the dzong and named it “Wangdue’s Royal residence” subsequent to running over a young person named Wangdue playing by the waterway. Covering more than 4000 sq. km, the environment of this region is changed and goes from subtropical woods to frigid mountains. Because of the fluctuated environment and rich biodiversity, quite a bit of Wangduephodrang is naturally safeguarded by three different public parks and the organic halls that interface them. One of the most popular safeguarded untamed life found here is the Dark Necked Crane that relocates to Phobjikha valley from Tibet throughout the cold weather months. To safeguard and bring issues to light about these endangered birds , Phobjikha has the adored Dark Necked Crane Celebration every year. Other untamed life found in the space incorporate red pandas, tigers, panthers, falcons and herons. Wangduephodrang is situated in the western part of Bhutan. The distance between Thimphu and Wangduephodrang is 45.5 km.

Location: Located in central Bhutan, Wangduephodrang is 68.3 km or an hour and 50 minute drive from Thimpu. 

People & Language – Dialects spoken here remember Lakha for the upper east, Nyenkha in the middle, and Olekha (Dark Mountain Monpa) in the south-east. Dzongkha, the authority language of Bhutan, is most broadly spoken in Wangdue Phodrang.

Weather: July has a typical greatest temperature of 25°C and is the hottest month of the year. The coldest month is January with a typical greatest temperature of 12°C .