So something interesting happened on my way back from the east. I was on my way home.

Ura Village

But how do you define home? The place you’re living in currently or the place you’re from? I got to explore that dilemma as I got a call from my uncle who told me to halt at my grand aunt’s homestay in Ura, my father’s village.

Homestay in Ura

I feel ashamed to admit that I have never been to my father’s village. I know.

But I do share this with countless young people in the city who have never stepped foot in their ancestral homes. My grand aunt’s homestay in Ura is a simple village house but there’s a certain grandeur in its humble space and multiple floors. My aunt (a cousin of my dad’s whom I had never met before) cradles her little boy as she prepares tea for us.

Khule (buckwheat pancake) with fresh butter and ema datsi
Khule with ema datsi

Like most children in Bhutan, I grew up closer to my maternal family & speaking my mother tongue, which turned out to be problematic as I couldn’t speak in Bumtap to my grand aunt & she didn’t speak a word of Dzongkha.

But I could see that she was happy to see me as she fed me lots of KHULE and happy to have us at her homestay and I was more than happy to discover a new side to my family in Ura.

So if you are visiting Ura please do stay at my Ani’s Homestay. Call 17928277.

Here’s to rediscovering your extended family.