Assuming you’re searching for heat and humidity in the northern side of the country, then Punakha is for you. Pretty much a two hour drive from the capital, Punakha is a tasty valley which is home to probably the most gorgeous design wonders of Bhutan. Punakha is situated in western Bhutan and is encircled by Wangduephodrang toward the east and south, Gasa toward the north, and Thimphu toward the west. Before the capital of Bhutan was moved to Thimphu in 1955, the locale filled in as the country’s regulatory focus. A famous milestone of the locale is the majestic Punakha Dzong which was completed in 1637 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgel. The country’s second-most established fort, the dzong is additionally called ‘Pungthang Dewa Chenpoi Phodrang’ which means “area of colossal joy and delight.”

Alongside filling in as the late spring home of the Focal Devout Body, the Punakha Dzong has likewise played host to various huge public occasions like the wedding of fifth Ruler Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck to Sovereign Jetsun Pema. A lot hotter than other Dzongkhags in the west and with the Phochhu and Mochhu streams going through it, Punakha is honored with great rice, maize and mustard gathering. Citrus natural products, guava, avocado, mangoes and various vegetables are likewise plentiful in this locale. Because of its abundance of strict milestones, different environments, and Bhutanese cultivating practices and customs, Punakha has become one of the most notable vacationer locations in the country. Punakha is situated in the country’s western district. The roadway that interfaces Thimphu with Punakha is 73.9 kilometers long.

Location: The Dzongkhag covers an area of 1,110 sq km and is located between 1100 and 2500 m above sea level.

People & Language – People from this region are known as Punaps.  The dominant language in the district is Dzongkha, the national language.

Weather: The mid year high temperature goes from 27°C (80.6°F) to 31°C (87.8°F), while the wintertime low temperature goes from 22°C (71.6°F) to 23°C (73.4°F).