Looking for trendy snack joints for a quick bite? Selsi’s Cafe is located at the Clock Tower in the heart of Thimphu city.

“Due to the pandemic, my college shut down and I had to come back home,” says the owner. “I found myself visiting the same cafes eating the same food every time I went out. I found myself looking for new cafes that served trendy, innovative snacks. Soon I realized that I wasn’t the only one constantly searching for something new. That’s when I decided to open Selsi’s Cafe. I wanted to create a space where people my age could hang around and chill with board games, good music and food.”
The cafe’s best sellers are their corn dogs. “We have many varieties like our Samyang corn dogs that are coated with Samyang noodles and our korean Cordogs coated with fries. People seem to like it a lot! We also also releasing a new dish ramen fried rice.”
“To us, a good food experience means that trying new things should not be pricey or daunting.”

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