OGOP’s Origin
Bhutan has a diverse, stunning topography, a vast wealth of ecosystems and indigenous plants, herbs, and unique agricultural products. Having emerged as largely isolated and remote communities, Bhutanese recipes are immensely diverse. Traditional agricultural practices, the pristine environment, clean mountain spring water and fertile soil free from pesticides. The indigenous knowledge passed down generations make Bhutanese products unique, flavourful, natural and wholesome.
More than half of the Bhutanese population are farmers, who till the land or rear livestock. The farming communities of Bhutan are the repositories of Bhutan’s agricultural wealth. However a major portion of the nation’s poverty is prevalent in rural Bhutan. Previously, agricultural farming was largely subsistence based. Nevertheless it is gradually being geared towards commercial farming. The access to market and capacity constraints, however, has been the main bottlenecks for communities to prosper.
The One Gewog, One Product (OGOP) is an initiative of the Queen’s Project Office. It is modeled on the One Tampon, One Product (OTOP) of Thailand and borrows from its best practices. Their tagline mentions ” Connecting you to natural, authentic, quality Bhutanese products while promoting grassroot economies and livelihoods of local farmers and artisans.”
Why OGOP ?
OGOP aims to boost the local economy and strengthen rural communities, by providing support for value addition of local produce, packaging and market access. It seeks to identify at least one authentic Bhutanese product from each Gewog and bridge the gaps in their value chains. OGOP seeks to develop high quality products for both domestic and international markets.
Each product chosen to be marketed by OGOP comes from local artisans and a community of farmers, who have received support to grow high-quality crops. Every item has been selected carefully, and processed with age-old wisdom combined with state-of-the-art techniques, to bring you Bhutanese products of the highest quality.
ADDRESS: One Gewog One Product
The Queen’s Project Office
Thimphu, Bhutan
Contact : (+975) 77765556
Google directions here
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