Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, is an always extending metropolitan region droning with the energy of its 114,000 occupants. Supplanting Punakha as the country’s capital in 1961, Thimphu city was once thought along the Wang Chu stream however extended quickly across the valley and into the mountains. Right now the country’s managerial and business focus, most visits to the nation will start and end in the capital. Thimphu is the most modernized city in the nation, offering a plenty of lodgings, eateries, bistros, bars, and retail outlets. The decisions, extravagances and conveniences accessible in the capital oppose that of global metropolitan centers and are not handily tracked down in that frame of mind of the country. Notwithstanding noticeable proof of industrialization, Thimphu actually keeps up with its unmistakable culture and personality. This should be visible in the dzongs and sanctuaries dissipated across the locale and a developing number of galleries and conventional workmanship schools. One of the best instances of customary Bhutanese engineering is Tashichodzong, a conventional sustained cloister that has been modified and extended to house government workplaces. Moreover Simtokha Dzong, the first work by Zhabdrung, is another generally huge fort. Locales like the goliath Buddha Dordenma sculpture and Public Commemoration Chorten are extremely well known while the Material and Society Legacy Historical centers are visited by visitors who need a more profound comprehension of Bhutan’s set of experiences. Whether it be a visit to old sanctuaries, climbing, bistro bouncing or keepsake shopping, Thimphu is the ideal mix of city living with old-world appeal. It is located in the western focal point of Bhutan, 48 km or roughly an hour from Paro Global air terminal.

Location: With a rise scope of 2,248 meters (7,375 feet) to 2,648 meters (8,688 feet), Thimphu is the fifth-most elevated capital on the planet.

People & Language – Customarily individuals of this region communicate in the public language, Dzongkha and are known as Ngalop. With occupants from everywhere the nation moving to the city, most provincial dialects are spoken here.

Weather: In Thimphu the temperature ranges from -2.5°C in January to 25°C in summer with a rainfall of 100 mm.